There was a beautiful island but the bridge was broken and they said it was forbidden to be visited even though I could drive a boat to reach it.

That was what I imagined when I looked at this photo. I didn't think the real story was like that, anyways.

However, it reminded me to yesterday afternoon when we were in a small record shop. I wore a pink shirt and you wore a white T-shirt. We stood so close but you held your own body and I held my own hand. We were so quiet like other audience, which were less than twenty people, who watching this new singer singing his song that produced by your girlfriend.

I remembered that moment when I felt sorry that I didn't really pay any attention to his performance because my thought was somewhere else; clearly about how we'd been so close yet so far and how we'd been enjoying and sharing things together but you were that forbidden island: still unreachable.


Inspired by a photo in a record shop in Notting Hill, UK.


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